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Custom Order Available!

Assalamu'alaykum, hi! Since we received a lot of inquiries over the 'custom order' handmade bags stuff, we're happy to inform that custom order is now available!

Tote Bag: RM22 (minimum) - RM28 (maximum). Price depends on design.

Pencil Case: RM11 (minimum) - RM18 (maximum). Price depends on design.


1. Send an A4 sized of your own design to qawiyyartz@gmail.com,


A clear picture/graphic/draft to our whatsapp number 011-23746946.

2. We'll decide your total price after the total cost is determined based on the design given. (marker consumed, water colour consumed etc.)

3. Order confirmation & payment.

4. Bag customizing started!

5. Shipping. It'll take up to 3 days.

Time consuming for all steps including shipping is 4-5 days. And you won't have to worry, once you pay for it you'll get it within 5 days! That is our promise.

So what are you waiting for? Order while the opportunity is on!

Assalamu'alaykum people! Welcome to Qawiyyartz online store. Here we sell handmade tote bags and pencil cases that would allow you to stay crafty by your own! Do stumble around and reach us whenever you interested! ;)

Take note guys!
Price written in each product details are not postage inclusive. Postage fee (RM6/RM7) will be added right after you made the order. TQ. :)

Shipping period
Our product shipment would take up to 3 days to reach your residence. We will immediately issue your tracking number right after your purchased item sent to our third party: PosLaju.

Trying to reach us? Be our guest to keep up with us via email & whatsapp!

Email: qawiyyartz@gmail.com
Whatsapp/Maxis: 011-237 46946

Ask @ say hi!

Be a helping hand :)
Remember our brothers and sisters in Palestine? Syria? Donating a little but sincere would be much help for them to live. Mari menderma!

Qawiyyartz 2014. All rights reserved.
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