Custom Order Available!
Assalamu'alaykum, hi! Since we received a lot of inquiries over the 'custom order' handmade bags stuff, we're happy to inform that custom order is now available! Pencil Case: RM11 (minimum) - RM18 (maximum). Price depends on design. HOW TO DEAL? 1. Send an A4 sized of your own design to, A clear picture/graphic/draft to our whatsapp number 011-23746946. 2. We'll decide your total price after the total cost is determined based on the design given. (marker consumed, water colour consumed etc.) 3. Order confirmation & payment. 4. Bag customizing started! 5. Shipping. It'll take up to 3 days. So what are you waiting for? Order while the opportunity is on! |
Take note guys!
Price written in each product details are not postage inclusive. Postage fee (RM6/RM7) will be added right after you made the order. TQ. :)
Shipping period
Our product shipment would take up to 3 days to reach your residence. We will immediately issue your tracking number right after your purchased item sent to our third party: PosLaju.
Trying to reach us? Be our guest to keep up with us via email & whatsapp!Email: Whatsapp/Maxis: 011-237 46946 Ask @ say hi!
Be a helping hand :)
Remember our brothers and sisters in Palestine? Syria? Donating a little but sincere would be much help for them to live. Mari menderma!Credit
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